---- vujić

Our Vineyards

The vineyards and winery are located in Central Serbia in the area called Mojsinjska sveta gora, in the triangle of the three Morava, that is, where the South and West Morava make Velika Morava. Due to the fact that since the time of ancient civilization, the main roads that connected the north and south of Europe (Constantinople Road) have passed through it in the geographical sense, it has been called the “gate of Serbia”. From the tops of the Mojsinj mountains, there is a beautiful view of a large area of ​​this part of Serbia. From them you can see all the surrounding valleys and as well as the mountain peaks of Kopaonik, Željin, Goč, Juhor, Rtnje and Jastrebac. The existence of life, all events and historical events in this area are conditioned by the very geographical position that represents the center of the Balkan Peninsula.

The existence of a large number of sacral buildings (77 churches and chapels) in a small area is associated with the arrival of a group of monks from Mount Sinai. Members of the Sinaitic ascetic order, retreating before the Turkish
invasion in the 14th century, inhabited Mojsinjska gora, built churches and hermitages, hence the name “Little Serbian Holy Mountain” churches for the atonement of sins.

vujić statement

We thrive in making fine wines that enrich the taste&soul.

Traces of the Roman Empire are also present, because the main road, which was provided by the Romans, crossed the South Morava. The town of Stalac originated in ancient times, judging by the localities and important communication for securing the main Roman road. In the time of Prince Lazar, it was the protection of the West Moravian valley and the capital Kruševac. Today you can see the half-ruined don-jon tower named after Duke Prijezda, the last defender of the City of Stalac.

The mountains of Mojsinje are tucked away, which Morava once overcame, and gave a promise that it will give the best vineyard sun, the mildest winds (ventilation), and native vineyards right here. In front of the visitors, it will stretch in the area between the two Morava, the plain as in the palm of your hand, and the view will reach from one side to Rtnje, from the other to Jagodina and back to Kopaonik and Gledačke planine where the noble climate which have been there since Roman times.

The specific geological structure of the crystalline massif of the Mojsinj Mountains with biotite, biotite-muscovite gneisses, granites and pegmatites represents the area of ​​the Serbian crystal core in the Rhodope-Moravian metamorphic belt formed within the Caledonian-Hercynian cycle and as such is one of the oldest terrains in Serbia. The character of the landscape with the dominance of constant winds that accumulated large amounts of loess sediments along the bottom of the gorge through which the South Morava broke through, so that oases of loess sediments remained in the relief.

In particular, we state that the Rulebook on the regionalization of vineyard geographical production areas of Serbia states that a small oasis consisting of western, southwestern and southern slopes of the hill above Stalac on the site of the medieval fortress “Todor’s Tower” in KO Grad Stalac around the coordinate: N 43 ° 40′ 13”, E 21 ° 24′ 11”.